Month: <span>July 2018</span>

Figure out exactly who your customer is and who your customer is not!

This task is actually tougher than it seems…for some small businesses it may be very simple.  However understanding who your customer is a big step in understanding how your marketing will work. The technical phrase that is used to describe customer classifications is “Personas”.  You may just have 3 or 4 customer personas, you may […]
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Day One – Your Digital Marketing Strategy

For those of you that have read the “SEO Tips of the Day” and the “Reviewing your Website Tips of the Day” may see some duplication here….HINT – if you see duplication in tips, it doubles, triples the importance of that item…so give the tip/job special attention. So now we are moving onto discussing and […]
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Getting up to speed on your digital strategy

Getting clued up and putting together your digital strategy. All this time we have been discussing search engine optimization and reviews of your website…you have been learning about how you can promote your website and make sure that you get the best possible results and return on investment of your marketing dollars. The next step is […]
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Old and outdated or does your website just need a new “font refresher”?

When you reviewed your website yesterday for “call to actions” and easily visible options for potential customers to interact with you, did you notice if your site is looking a little old? When I say old, does it look like it was created a couple of years ago, some of the information is not relevant […]
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Videos are a great way to keep people watching your website and your product.

Is your website fun? Does it catch someone’s attention? If you are selling to consumers, a great way to catch their attention is via video. Over 80% of people who view a video of your product are more likely to pick up the phone and call or email you. It is not as tough to […]
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It is tough to get someone to visit your site, and even tougher to keep them there!

Do a test run with your website as if you are a potential client. How much time did you spend on your website looking for either a phone number, email address, your price list or a way to get a quote? If it takes you more than 10 seconds (taking into considering that you know […]
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Reviewing your website should happen on a regular basis!

Technology today is fast moving, as are the people who use it.  You have 3-5 seconds to catch a person’s attention when they visit your website.  If you fail, they are moving onto your competitor’s site. Starting today, I am posting some ideas and pointers on what you should be doing with your website on […]
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