Month: <span>August 2018</span>

…I said Persona, not Patronus

…I said Persona, not Patronus  😀  I wonder if JK Rowling used the definition of Persona to create the word Patronus.  I believe that they are both one and the same thing.  So lets investigate the definitions… Definition of persona (Merriam Webster online dictionary) plural personae play pər-ˈsō-(ˌ)nē, -ˌnī or personas: a character assumed by an […]
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So…you now know who your potential customer is – now find their pain!!!

Gone are the days, when marketing materials included just a brochure/flyer and business card….and maybe some advertising in the most relevant magazine or newspaper.   The game that we all play has now got way more players and closing the sale is harder than ever before. Do not be disheartened though.  We are all unique and […]
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